Aortic diseases
Aortic diseases – монография
Aortic diseases – монография
Автори: Заприн Въжев, Христо Стоев
Заглавие: Aortic diseases
Страници: 200; Формат: А5
ISBN: 978-619-237-093-0
Abbreviations and acronyms
Anatomy and physiology of the aorta
Ascending aorta (aorta ascendens)
Aortic arch (arcus aortae)
Descending aorta (aorta descendens)
Abdominal aorta (aorta abdominalis)
Arterial wall structure
Aortic embryology, anatomical variations and congenital diseases
1. Aortic hypoplasia
2. Aortic coarctation
3. Interrupted aortic arch
4. Patent ductus arteriosus
5. Bovine arch
6. Aberrant right subclavian artery
7. Ductus diverticulum
8. Double aortic arch
Acute aortic syndrome
Aortic dissection
Etiology and pathogenesis
Pathoanatomy and pathophysiology
Clinical presentation
Medical treatment
Surgical treatment
Postoperative care
Follow-up and results
Intramural hematoma
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer
Traumatic aortic injury
Iatrogenic aortic dissection
Chronic aortic dissection
False aneurysm (pseudoaneurysm)
Thoracic aortic aneurysms
Etiology and pathogenesis
Pathoanatomy and pathophysiology
Clinical presentation
Medical therapy
Surgical treatment
Surgical technique for ascending aortic aneurysms and aortic root aneurysms
Surgical technique for aortic arch aneurysms
Surgical technique for descending aortic aneurysms
Endovascular treatment
Implantation technique
17-years experience in the surgical treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms at the Cardiac Surgery Department – University Hospital “St. Georgi” – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Materials and methods
Symptoms of admission, concomitant diseases and risk factors
Diagnostic approach
Surgical strategy
Results and discussion
Cardiovascular diseases represent a major cause of premature death in Europe. They are an important factor of patients’ disability and lead to increased health care costs. Data published by the National Center for Health Information at the Ministry of Health reveals alarming statistics on cardiovascular diseases in Bulgaria:
66% of all deaths in Bulgaria are due to ischemic heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction, hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases.
Nearly 6,000 Bulgarians die of acute myocardial infarction on an annual basis.
Mortality is significantly higher among men.
Statistics show that in our country two of three people die as victims of cardiovascular disease. In addition to ischemic heart disease and peripheral artery disease, aortic diseases are part of a wide range of arterial diseases: aortic aneurysms, acute aortic syndrome (aortic dissection, intramural hematoma, penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, traumatic aortic injury, pseudoaneurysm, aortic rupture). and inflammatory diseases, genetic diseases (e.g., Marfan syndrome), and congenital anomalies (e.g., aortic coarctation). Sometimes thoracic aortic diseases are diagnosed after a long period of subclinical development or may have an acute clinical presentation. Acute aortic syndrome is often the first manifestation and requires rapid diagnosis and decision-making to influence the extremely poor prognosis. The project Global Burden Disease (2010) recently showed that overall global mortality from aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections increased from 2.49 per 100,000 to 2.78 per 100,000 population between 1990 and 2010.S-4, S-5 In the last 10 years, diagnostic methods for aortic imaging have improved significantly, especially after the development of multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. New endovascular treatment methods are being developed and the results of surgical approaches have been significantly improved. The successful treatment is a result of close collaboration among physicians from many different fields of medicine: cardiology, radiology, cardiac and vascular surgery, anesthesiology and genetics.