Practical Course in Medical Biology

Practical Course in Medical Biology

Practical Course in Medical Biology - Second Edition - for first year students

За изданието

Автори: Виктория Сарафян, Мария Казакова, Милена Драганова-Филипова, Николай Мехтеров
Заглавие: Practical Course in Medical Biology – Second Edition – for first year students
Страници: 108; Формат: А4
ISBN: 978-619-237-041-1


This manual continues the efforts of the Department of Medical Biology to improve and upgrade constantly the educational process. Each practical lesson starts with its objective and basic terms. Through several questions and tasks the student is introduced into the theoretical background of the topic. By analyzing real clinical cases the students are expected to realize the importance of the topics included in the Medical Biology course. The practical part focuses on different laboratory techniques or experiments which the students should be able to perform. Interesting facts and further reading and references are provided for those who are motivated to learn more.

Wishing you a pleasant journey in the wonderful world of Medical Biology!

Prof. Victoria Sarafian

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