Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of acute poisonings and toxoallergic reactions

Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of acute poisonings and toxoallergic reactions

Theoretical and practical study manual for medical students, specialty training doctors, doctoral candidates and general practitioners

За изданието

Автори: Светлан Дерменджиев, Владимир Божилов, Саша Кръстева-Запрянова, Мария Пранчева-Кумчева
Редактор – Светлан Дерменджиев
Заглавие: Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of acute poisonings and toxoallergic reactions
Страници: 142 ; Формат: A5
ISBN: 978-619-237-045-9

Theoretical and practical study manual for medical students, specialty training doctors, doctoral candidates and general practitioners


Associate prof. Svetlan Dermendzhiev, MD, PhD – head of Professional Diseases and Toxicology section at 2nd Internal Medicine department, Medical faculty, Medical University-Plovdiv, managing consultant of Professional Diseases and Clinical Allergology ward at the University Hospital St George Plovdiv

Vladimir Bozhilov, MD, assistant professor at PDTS, specialty doctor in Clinical Toxicology department University Hospital St George Plovdiv

Sasha Krusteva-Zapryanova, MD, assistant professor at PDTS, consultant in Clinical Toxicology department University Hospital St George Plovdiv

Maria Kumcheva, MD – assistant professor at PDTS, consultant in Clinical Toxicology department University Hospital St George Plovdiv

Editor in chief: prof. Vasil Dimitrov, MD, PhD

Reviewing editors: assos. prof. Stanka Andonova-Kiryakova, MD, Prof. Tanya Kuneva-Boyadzhieva, MD, PhD 

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